Utah Mountain Blog 1 - October 5, 2009 - The season is fast approaching.

Utah Mountain Blog 1- October 5, 2009 - The season is fast approaching.

There you have it two, count them, two early season storms rolled in over the Wasatch last and early this week.  Just enough snow up at Alta to at least take the boards with you on those early morn scouting trips. 


We have the vehicles tuned up and ready to roll out the 2009-2010 season.  Should be epic.  So trade in those fly-rods and yard sales for skins and ski-swaps. 


The 07-08 and 08-09 snow totals in the Cottonwoods were top ten on record.  These things ususally come in threes; so keep up those positive thoughts.  


Stay tuned to the Utah Mountain Blog for updates on the riding conditions throughout the Wasatch.